Certara, a provider of software and scientific consulting services, has partnered with the Critical Path Institute (C-Path), based in Arizona, USA, to develop a physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model of the human lung. The model will work in conjunction with Certara’s Simcyp Population-based Simulator to predict the disposition of drugs within the lungs and the potential impact of disease-progression on drug kinetics at different stages of tuberculosis (TB) infection.
Development of the lung model is being supported by the Critical Path to TB Drug Regimens (CPTR) Initiative, which is a collaboration of pharmaceutical companies; government, regulatory, and multilateral agencies; academia; civil society; advocates; and non-government organisations, which aims to accelerate the development of new, safe, and highly effective TB treatment regimens with shorter therapy durations.
C-Path will explore the benefits of using population-based simulations to enhance the drug development process during its ‘Modeling and Simulation for Medical Product Development and Evaluation Workshop’, which will be held on 26 September 2014 in Washington, DC, USA.