LMS’s engineering software has been implemented by two companies to test the ability of aircraft designs to withstand vibration. LMS Test.Lab is being used by SABCA in the experimental testing of aircraft component prototypes, and LMS Virtual.Lab Acoustics will simulate the vibro-acoustic performance of aerospace systems developed by the EADS Group.
With regulations for passenger comfort becoming increasingly stringent, the need to optimise acoustic performance is greater than ever before. The EADS Group, which consists of Airbus and the world’s largest helicopter supplier Eurocopter, is using Virtual.Lab Acoustics to provide virtual simulations of the interior and exterior noise of new aircraft designs.
Virtual.Lab covers the whole simulation process in a single environment. In addition Clemens Moeser, manager of simulation at EADS Corporate Research Centre Germany, explained how it benefited from LMS’s value-based licensing system.
'It offers us the flexibility to access multiple Virtual.Lab applications in addition to the core Acoustics solutions used by the research teams. It allows us to easily cover the wide variety of simulation needs we encounter through the multitude of engineering and research projects, without having to reinvest in new software licenses.'
SABCA however, a Belgian company that produce parts of major manufacturers including Airbus, selected Test.Lab because it allows the high number of input channels necessary to understand the severe vibrations of rocket lift-off.
This was particularly useful when designing ‘thrust vector control (TVC) systems', which control the positioning of satellite launch nozzles, and are critical to the trajectory of the vehicle. They rely heavily on electronic circuitry and so require much more refined vibration control. In addition, LMS Test.Lab provides excellent reporting and data management facilities to deal with the large amounts of data generated.