Gaz de France and ffA are collaborating to develop a 3D fault analysis toolset which will provide operators with a more accurate reservoir model and reserves estimate. The sophisticated 3D seismic attribute analysis tools will enable a greater understanding of the impact of faults on the distribution and extraction of hydrocarbons, supporting well placement and maximisation of recovery.
ffA’s team of seismic image analysis and software engineering experts will work with Gaz de France Affiliates from Britain, France, Norway Germany and the Netherlands. The tools will be commercialised by ffA and be available through ffA Services from July 2007 and integrated into the January 2008 version of SVI Pro, ffA’s flagship product for processing and analysis of 3D seismic data.
Jean-François Dutzer, geophysics R&D manager at Gaz de France, HQ commented: ‘Gaz de France believes the techniques being developed in collaboration with ffA will enable us to have a 3D understanding of the degree to which faults, as geobodies, may act as flow barriers. This can have a major impact on our exploration risking and development strategies and therefore on the economics associated with a reservoir.’