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GeneBio and Integromics announce successful software integration

GeneBio's Phenyx software platform for MS data analysis has been successfully inegrated into Integromics' latest proteomics data analysis and management tool - OmicsHub Proteomics. This integration gives Phenyx and OmicsHub Proteomics users the possibility of combining results from different search engines thereby increasing the accuracy of the protein identification process.

OmicsHub Proteomics serve as an end-to-end proteomics data analysis and management system, from protein peak detection to generation of final reports. It has been developed in cooperation with ProteoRed, the Spanish National Proteomics Network, ensuring in this way that the solution is close to the reality of a proteomics laboratory and that it helps to solve the most typical bottlenecks of this field.

Developed in collaboration with the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB), Phenyx is GeneBio's software platform for the identification, quantitation and characterisation of proteins and peptides from mass spectrometry data. The Phenyx platform is specifically designed to meet the concurrent demands of high-throughput MS data analysis and dynamic results assessment via a customisable architecture and an innovative user-friendly interface.


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