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Genohm announces restructure

Genohm a Swiss based provider of informatics software including Slims - a customisable platform providing LIMS + ELN - has announced a restructure and the appointment of several new executive members of staff.

Frederik Decouttere declared: ‘It’s our mantra, at Genohm we are constantly looking for better ways to help our customers. We have been experiencing a constant growth in recent years and this requires a wide effort from our side. We must not only concentrate our efforts in evolving SLims, our LIMS + ELN solution, but also grow the structure of the company in the best possible way.’

Decouttere continued; ‘That is why we have now reshaped the structure of the company in order to be ready to face the challenges that we foresee in the next years. We are expanding globally – we are signing more clients from diverse sectors with very different structures.’ 

‘We need to be lean and flexible, even more as we always have been. The new structure will help support ramping up the speed and size of our business. And our business is nothing else than constantly looking for better ways to help our customers’ concluded Decouttere.

The restructure has led to several new deployments within the company including Martijn Devisscher, who will now serve as COO; Ruben Simoens, as the new VP of Engineering; and Roger Küng, who has been promoted to VP of Business Development.


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