Global market intelligence firm IDC, working alongside supercomputing experts from Teratec, France, Daresbury Laboratory, UK, Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, Germany, and Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany, has been awarded a contract by the European Commission to develop a strategic agenda for high performance computing (HPC) in Europe. The study will provide research and analysis needed to increase HPC capabilities available for the advancement of open science and to increase the competitiveness of the European Union in the supply and use of HPC systems. The study has a mandate to look at the key strategic developments in HPC through to 2020, as well as examining the investments, structures, and coordination needed to develop supercomputing e-infrastructures across Europe.
Commenting on the study's purpose and scope, Chris Ingle, associate vice president of Consulting at IDC, said: 'This is a critical moment for high performance computing leadership. Europe has been a leader in this field in the past and, with the right investments, can continue to develop a strong HPC industry and benefit from the use of HPC in science and throughout society.'
The study is scheduled to be a seven-month contract, which will provide policymakers with an analysis of the HPC industry from 2010-2020, a view on the technology requirements from the HPC industry in 2020, and a strategic agenda for HPC in Europe. Developing a view of the technologies that are needed for a successful HPC strategy is critical to this project. The research contract requires a detailed comparative analysis of HPC investments and funding structures globally, as well as the impact of HPC on scientific and industrial leadership.