More than 100 developer and adopter members of the Hybrid Memory Cube Consortium (HMCC) have announced that they have reached consensus for a global standard that will deliver a 'much-anticipated, disruptive memory computing solution'.
Developed in 17 months, the final specification marks the turning point for designers in a wide range of segments – from networking and high-performance computing, to industrial and beyond – to begin designing Hybrid Memory Cube (HMC) technology into future products.
A major breakthrough with HMC is the long-awaited utilisation of advanced technologies to combine high-performance logic with state-of-the-art dynamic random-access memory. With this first HMC milestone reached so quickly, consortium members have elected to extend their collaborative effort to achieve agreement on the next generation of HMC interface standards.
'The consensus we have among major memory companies and many others in the industry will contribute significantly to the launch of this promising technology,' said Jim Elliott, vice president for memory planning and product marketing at Samsung Semiconductor. 'As a result of the work of the HMCC, IT system designers and manufacturers will be able to get new green memory solutions that outperform other memory options offered today.'
'This milestone marks the tearing down of the memory wall,' said Robert Feurle, Micron’s vice president for DRAM Marketing. 'The industry agreement is going to help drive the fastest possible adoption of HMC technology, resulting in what we believe will be radical improvements to computing systems and, ultimately, consumer applications.'