Springer, a scientific, technical and medical publisher has announced the completion of Springer Book Archives (SBA). A four year project digitise nearly every book it had published from the 1840s to 2004. The documents will be available for students, researchers and libraries by early 2014.
Originally intended to be 100,000 books, by the end of the project over 110,000 titles have been digitized. With the addition of the books from the SBA the SpringerLink, Springer’s online content platform, has surpassed eight million documents. These resources include journal articles, book chapters, reference work entries and protocols. SpringerLink users can also download entire eBooks at one time, in addition to chapter by chapter – another new feature added in 2013. Passing this threshold means that more high-quality Springer content is available to researchers and students than ever before.
The SBA project began in 2010 and the product was officially launched in January 2013 at the American Library Association’s Midwinter meeting. Rudolf Diesel, Werner von Siemens and Emil Fischer are counted among the authors.