The ninth Teratec forum, set to take place 1-2 July 2014, will focus on the diversity of digital simulation and its use for high-performance computing, in many industry segments, and particularly, their adoption in SMEs.
The forum includes a packed schedule of plenary sessions, a programme of technical and application workshops and an exhibition showcasing hardware, software and services which aim to showcase the latest technology and services in the industry.
The plenary sessions on Tuesday 1st July will report on the growing impact of HPC in many fields of industry and research and its role in major scientific and technological challenges.
The forum will include presentations from Airbus, the European platform ETP4HPC, the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), and the HPC UberCloud Experiment, DISTENE. There will also be a special guest speaker Mr Arnaud Montebourg, Minister of Economy, Industrial Renewal and Digital Development, who will give a presentation on the Supercomputing Plan, announced by the French government in September 2013.
There will also be a series of eight technology-orientated workshops that will be given by leading industry players and recognised experts who will review emerging technologies and new areas of application of HPC.
The exhibition will bring together over 50 exhibitors including systems manufacturers and software vendors, integrators and distributors, service providers, academic and laboratory researchers, and public and private sector developers who will present the latest innovations in HPC.