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Allinea DDT

Allinea Software, which develops software tools for HPC, has released new support for version 5.5 of the Nvidia Cuda parallel programming toolkit. It claims to have  enhanced support for C++11 and the GNU 4.8 compilers. These developments come as a technology update in version 4.1.1 of Aliinea Tools.

The 4.1.1 release of Allinea Tools includes the Cuda toolkit debugging support for ARMv7 architectures, which are hybrid platforms offering developers lower energy consumption for HPC.

Allinea DDT is part of Allinea Software's unified tools platform, an environment for debugging and profiling of parallel and multi-threaded applications. It is used by computational scientists and scientific programmers to fix software defects of parallel applications running on hybrid GPU clusters and supercomputers.

Allinea MAP is a performance profiling tool that allows the memory usage to be monitored. The features include the ability to see the time spent in memory operations in order to determine if the cache is being used efficiently. In addition to this the ability to isolate a single iteration and explore its behaviour in detail.

A CPU view is also included that shows the percentage of vectorised SIMD instructions, including AVX extensions used in the code.


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