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Bioinformatics Toolbox Version 3.0

The MathWorks has introduced a new version of the Bioinformatics Toolbox for Matlab. Version 3.0 includes improved functions for the analysis and visualisation of data from microarrays and mass spectrometers.

Users can now perform more precise analysis of various forms of microarray data, including array-based comparative genomic hybridisation (CGH), tiling, SNP and gene expression arrays.

The software allows users to normalise and clean the data. It can calculate gene expressions and perform circular binary segmentation and false discovery rate estimation. It also includes visualisation capabilities that enable users to plot chromosome ideograms with G-banding pattern.  

Bioinformatics Toolbox 3.0 also includes functions for mass-spectrometry data analysis that align mass spectra from multiple peak lists, from both LC/MS and GC/MS data sets. Researchers can also take advantage of improved functions for graph theory and sequence analysis to find isomorphisms between two graphs and to estimate and visualise the secondary structure diagrams of an RNA sequence.


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