Blaze Systems has introduced a Tobacco Testing Module as an add-on to its flagship BlazeLIMS Enterprise product. BlazeLIMS provides a comprehensive testing request submission form that embodies FTC, ISO, MASS, Sidestream and other testing regimes in a highly configurable and easy-to-use form, allowing for the entry of complex sets of brands and testing requirements.
The testing request is then automatically translated into the required set of samples, aliquots, analytes, and replicates to execute the complex coupled process of smoking and analysis. All the logging requirements for a multi-brand, multi-regime request may be accomplished in a matter of a few minutes. Additional features of particular interest to the independent testing laboratory include estimates, blinding of brands, and more.
BlazeLIMS also provides the QC support required to manage the incorporation of smoking QC and analytical QC samples, handling each according in the context of both smoking and analytical batches throughout the laboratory process. The analytical demands for tobacco testing are particularly challenging, and BlazeLIMS provides ELN automation and tracking for method execution, including preparation and usage tracking for all reagents and standards as desired to accomplish the paperless lab, as well as flexible batch run management.