CLC bio has released an add-on module to CLC Genomics Workbench, which has been developed to help finish the assembly of small genomes.
CLC Microbial Genome Finishing Module is a collection of tools with different functionalities to identify, visualise and solve problems in genome assemblies.
Functions of the tools include the following: align contigs to a reference sequence or, in the absence of a reference, to the contigs themselves; analyse the contig read mappings for possible misassemblies, single strandedness, coverage, broken pairs, and unaligned ends; detect paired reads that map to separate contigs; automate primer design for re-sequencing purposes; and search for names, sequence strings, or annotations in de novo assemblies, mappings and sequencing data.
‘High-throughput sequencing technologies enable rapid full-genome sequencing, but short read lengths and repetitive sequences often complicate full genome assembly and result in fragmented assemblies,’ said senior field application specialist, Dr Marta Matvienko.
‘Genome Finishing Module helps produce high quality assemblies for small genomes such as bacterial or fungal species. This suite of tools reduces the extensive workload previously associated with genome finishing, by facilitating as many steps in the procedure as possible.’