Empower 2 is Waters' chromatography data software (CDS) package for advanced data acquisition, management, processing, reporting and distribution. Empower 2 simplifies how users collect and report chromatography test results by letting users choose the most appropriate user interface. Whether the needs relate to a pharmaceutical company concerned about data security, compliance and validation, or have a chemical analysis application where ease of use and high system availability are top priorities, Empower 2 can help the lab perform more efficiently.
Key features of Empower 2 include:
- Store and retrieve chromatography data using an embedded, relational database.
- More precise peak integration calculations with ApexTrack algorithm.
- Easily control Waters Acquity UPLC and Alliance HPLC systems as well as third-party HPLC and GC systems.
- Enhanced detection capabilities are available when using Waters mass detectors or the Waters Photodiode Array Detector.
- Scalable, modular architecture allows seamless growth from a single workstation to an enterprise-wide system.
- Designed for a data-secured regulatory lab environment.
Empower 2 Software enables multi-tasking without using multiple software packages. Users can acquire data and control a variety of instruments, including HPLC, UPLC and GC. Advanced detection techniques, such as MS and PDA, can be applied without outsourcing to a third party. Applications such as dissolution, method validation, integrated chemical structures and polymer analysis, can also be applied.