Genedata has released Genedata Expressionist 5.3, with enhanced capabilities for transcriptomics-based biomarker discovery for applications in drug profiling and patient selection.
Expressionist 5.3 expands the process capabilities of its Refiner Array module to support the next generation of microarrays, including Affymetrix Whole-Transcript and Exon arrays. In response to the growing importance of customised arrays, flexibility in pre-processing raw data has been increased by incorporating array type-specific layout information. Furthermore, data quality assessment functionality as well as access to biological information has been significantly enhanced. To support automated workflow-based SOPs for applications in personalised medicine, a completely new reporting engine has been developed. Processing performance has also been optimized to enable efficient analysis of large-scale microarray projects.
Recent Expressionist releases have already augmented technology support in transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics as well as enabled high-end cross-omics data processing for mass spectrometry and transcriptomics data.