Malvern Instruments has released ISys 5.0, the latest version of the company’s chemical imaging analysis software.
ISys 5.0 builds on strong support for third party platforms, aiming to be the industry standard for cross-platform analysis. The ability to analyse mapping and imaging data from mid-infrared and Raman platforms is now extended to include the near-infrared spectral range as well.
Data from Kaiser, Horiba Jobin-Yvon, Renishaw, Witech, Varian, Thermo, Bruker, PerkinElmer, and Chemimage mapping and imaging platforms can all be imported. Files in generic formats such as Grams, Matlab, ENVI, Metamorph, multi-page tiff and ASCII, can also be accessed. Other non-vibrational spectroscopic imaging data platforms can also be imported - EDAX X-ray fluorescence and Horiba Jobin Yvon XGT file formats, for example.
Changes to the software licensing structure now enable users to optimise its implementation for their unique applications. Chemometrics, Image processing and Macros are now available as separate options, purchased in addition to a base license.
ISys Macro functions have expanded to create a more complete environment for customised data processing scripts. Completely customised and automated data collection and processing steps – a QA/QC protocol for example - can be implemented easily through the standard ISys windows. This new feature greatly simplifies the day-to-day application of near infrared chemical imaging.
ISys 5.0 also has more tools available for image analysis. An example of this is Particle Proximity Statistics, which provides quantitative characterisation of the co-localisation of different chemical species. A coating thickness tool permits the statistical analysis of coating heterogeneity, giving standard deviations, as well as minimum and maximum thicknesses.