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Maple T.A. MAA placement test suite

Maplesoft has released the latest version of its Maple T.A. (teaching and assessment) MAA placement test suite. The placement test suite is a collection of placement tests that are developed by the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) and offered online exclusively through the Maple T.A. testing environment.

The latest release of the Maple T.A. MAA placement test suite incorporates the results of modern research into calculus assessment. A new calculus concepts readiness test determines if a student has a good understanding of the mathematical concepts needed to succeed in a calculus course. Pilot testing has shown the test has high predictive validity of success in a first calculus course.

Built on the recently released Maple T.A. 6 platform, the placement test suite also includes tools for integration into more course management systems, including Moodle. It also delivers performance improvements when used with large student populations.


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