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MathType 6.7

Available from Adept Scientific, MathType 6.7 for Windows from Design Science includes the latest features, bug fixes and compatibility change for new versions of Microsoft Office and other applications. It allows users to stay up-to-date with the applications and websites they work with and the computer's system software.

The major new features of MathType 6.7 include: compatibility with Microsoft Office 2010, and more than 350 applications and websites; and Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit) compatibility as well as Vista and XP operating systems.

MathType 6.7 equations are compatible with MathType 6.x and 5.x equations allowing users to continue to work with other MathType users even if they haven't upgraded yet. Any changes to the installed version of MathType, including keyboard shortcuts, toolbars, preferences, etc are retained on upgrade to MathType 6.7.

MathType has long been known as the professional version of the Equation Editor in Microsoft Office, used by millions of educators, scientists and engineers to create papers and presentations with textbook-quality equations. According to scientific and technical publishers, more than 85 per cent of submitted manuscripts containing mathematical notations are Microsoft Word documents with MathType or Equation Editor equations.

MathType 6.7 is supplied and supported in the UK, Ireland, Germany, Austria and the Nordic countries by Adept Scientific. 


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