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MathType 6.9

Available from Adept Scientific, MathType 6.9 from Design Science is an interactive equation editor for Windows and Mac that lets users create mathematical notation for word processing, web pages, desktop publishing, presentations, elearning and TeX, LaTeX and MathML documents.

This latest version works with more than 700 applications and websites giving users the flexibility to work everywhere and anywhere.

MathType is known as the professional version of the Equation Editor in Microsoft Office, used by millions of educators, scientists and engineers to create papers and presentations with textbook-quality equations. According to scientific and technical publishers, more than 85 per cent of submitted manuscripts containing mathematical notation are Microsoft Word documents with MathType or Equation Editor equations.

MathType 6.9 is supplied and supported in the UK, Ireland, Germany, Austria and the Nordic countries by Adept Scientific:


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