Miner3D has releaseds its Miner3D Enterprise 7.1. The new software comes with a set of visual OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) features allowing users to interact with data warehouses more efficiently than before.
Traditional OLAP reporting tools are based on usually excellent back-end technology while the real end user experience is rather average. Consumers of business intelligence information are usually receiving reports in printed form, which disables them from the full potential and power of OLAP databases. Technological complexity sets barriers in creative and more active use of OLAP. Another source of problems is the fact that the traditional OLAP reporting is incapable of effective creation and processing of high-dimensional queries.
Miner3D Enterprise 7.1 has a visual interface enabling users to create 3-, 4- or even 5-dimensional queries. More important, it also is capable of meaningful and intuitive representation of complex queries. The process of creating a query, receiving results and visual analysis is well integrated, supported by intuitive actions within its physical-like data space. There is not a gap between a query and analysis of results anymore, and the entire process is very fluent and straightforward.
Users are now capable of running even several dozens of queries within just minutes and intuitively analyse all the information as the results are presented within the same context. Hierarchical structure of OLAP data representation in Miner3D makes it easy to navigate, drill-down or roll-up seamlessly.