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Nexxis iLAB Database Viewer

Labtronics has released the Nexxis iLAB Database Viewer, a new tool that integrates and simplifies the reporting of data for all lab databases from one central location. After retrieving the data, users are able to filter and organise the information, which can then be exported to LimsLink, Nexxis ELN or Excel for further processing and reporting.

One centralised application is used to see the entire lab’s data at once and as the Database Viewer is web based, it is available on any computer system that supports a browser. It also provides controlled access to users who only need to look at specific information so that instead of training everyone on how to use the lab’s LIMS, access is based on individual or group needs.

Using a centralised database viewer can also reduce the cost of software licenses. Any user who only needs to view and use the data in an application can do so using the Database Viewer and may not require an application license.


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