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NI CompactDAQ

National Instruments has made big improvements to its data acquisition platform NI CompactDAQ, including 19 new I/O modules and the new LabView SignalExpress software. The new additions should provide a simple, complete, and powerful data-logging solution for electrical and sensor measurements.

The 19 new modules to the compact and rugged USB interface include: a ±20mA current I/O; high-speed, high-voltage and channel-to-channel isolated analogue inputs; RTD sensor inputs; and a universal input module.

LabView SignalExpress simplifies data logging, instrument control and academic instruction, and has been built around NI’s LabView graphical programming interface to allow customisation for more advanced applications. It allows live measurement and provides features such as alarm monitoring and condition logging.

It has a plug-and-play setup with NI CompactDAQ and works with more than 270 data acquisition devices. SignalExpress features more than 200 analysis and processing functions such as frequency, time and statistical analysis. Analysis can be done in real time, allowing early error identification. It is also suitable for use in education, as it can easily be integrated with simulation software to compare theoretical and experimental data.


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