QSR International has launched the latest version of its NVivo software, which is used within qualitative research. NVivo 8 is set to make further changes in the market research field with its new audio and visual capabilities. The new features of NVivo 8 mean user can:
Import, sort and analyse audio files, videos, digital photos, Word, PDF, rich text and plain text documents.
Work with transcripts or work without them, analysing material straight from audio and video files. Users can even create transcripts or text files within the software as they go.
View or listen to video and audio clips via inbuilt media players.
Merge separate projects and still identify which work was completed by which person, as well as view the notes and analysis completed by each team member.
Share files and findings, including audio, video or sections of documents with clients or colleagues who don’t have NVivo, using HTML web pages.
Query the analysis completed by individuals or teams and run comparisons to show the percentage of analysis that is the same or different across users.
Create and export professional charts, including three dimensional bar graphs and pie charts.
See coloured bars called ‘coding stripes’ reflect research factors such as gender, age or income and watch them evolve in real time.
Watch new animated ‘show me’ tutorial movies and access the most up-to-date help and support resources online.