Adept Scientific has released Northwest Analytical’s Quality Monitor 2.4 with factory-floor statistical process control (SPC) software.
NWA Quality Monitor 2.4 gives manufacturers configurable software for plant-floor data collection and SPC charting in an off-the-shelf package. Quality Monitor has increased functionality making it a single solution for plant-floor SPC.
Using just one software package, workflow procedures can be standardised, data collection automated and real-time SPC feedback provided throughout the operation.
Quality Monitor enables all plant floor workstations use the same core software with task-specific configurations for each application.
Operator interface and chart formats can be standardised and the context sensitive, online help system can support standard operating procedures (SOPs) and simplify meeting quality assurance and vendor certification program requirements.
New features within NWA Quality Monitor 2.4 include: updated charting and report generation; database-standard date/time formats and new supporting calculation functions; actions and functions performed ‘on startup’ and ’on exit’; and additional database connectivity capabilities enabling seamless integration with NWA Quality Information Server to deliver quality system solutions.
NWA Quality Monitor and NWA Quality Analyst are supplied and supported in the UK, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Scandinavia and Nordic countries by Adept Scientific.