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Thermo Scientific Grams Suite 9.0

Adept Scientific is distributing Thermo Scientific Grams Suite 9.0 in the UK, Germany and the Nordic states. The software package delivers enhanced capabilities for scientists engaged in a variety of spectroscopic experiments and disciplines.

The Grams Suite is comprised of a collection of complementary and fully integrated applications and modules centred on the core Grams/AI spectroscopy data processing and reporting software. Its advanced processing routines, data comparison and visualisation features and ability to handle data from any analytical instrument has set the industry standard for spectroscopy software. New functionality available with GRAMS 9.0 is developed with intuitive and simplified workflows to enable scientists to more easily and rapidly access their data and make more informed decisions about the results generated.

Due to its broad compatibility with many different instrument data types, the Grams Suite of spectroscopy software is valuable to researchers across the broadest range of industries and academia to help solve some of the most difficult data analysis challenges.


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