Rogue Wave Software, a provider of cross-platform software development tools and embedded components for the next generation of HPC applications, announced the release of its leading parallel debugger, TotalView 8.12.
This version of TotalView offers official support for the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor, Cray XC30 series supercomputers, and Apple OS X Lion and Mountain Lion platforms. The release of TotalView 8.12 is part of Rogue Wave’s commitment to improve developer productivity on advanced architectures.
'Intel and Rogue Wave have a long history of working together to ensure customer benefit from the combination of Intel technologies with Rogue Wave software. This continues with our work together on tools specifically optimised for the Intel Xeon Phi,' stated James Reinders, director of parallel programming at Intel.
'Being known as an intuitive and easy-to-use debugger, TotalView works to help developers to quickly and confidently take advantage of the massive parallelism available on the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor.'
Rogue Wave says TotalView 8.12 gives developers the ability to view, control, and debug codes running on both the host processor and the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor. This version of TotalView supports host-side applications using the Intel offload directives and applications running natively on the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor.
Users can debug scalable MPI applications that are launched from the host environment, but run as native on one or more Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors on a server or across the nodes of an enabled cluster.