CambridgeSoft’s E-Notebook provides a smooth web-based interface with a fully configurable, secure system for organising the flow of information generated by your organisation. You can enter reactions, Microsoft Office documents, spectra and other types of data, and search this data by text, substructure or meta data. You can organise your electronic pages by projects, experiments or any other classification that conforms to your workflow.
E-Notebook Enterprise integrates notebook keeping at group and enterprise levels to promote lab productivity and information sharing. Oracle Cartridge manages chemical structures in a common data repository with detailed security and 21 CFR part 11 Compliance. The enterprise edition also works with procurement and inventory management systems to save time locating chemicals and entering structures.
E-Notebook Ultra stores Microsoft Office documents, ChemDraw structures and reaction drawings, and related data in an electronic notebook you can search by text or chemical structure. Organise pages by project, experiment or your own style with the MSDE database.